Privacy Policy Juscutum

Hello! We are the Law Firm "Juscutum" (hereinafter referred to as Juscutum).
This policy aims to explain how we process and protect your data.

Our role in your privacy

If you're a client of Juscutum or just visiting our website, this policy applies to you.

Our Responsibilities

As a registered client or website visitor, we act as the "data controller." This means we determine how and why your data is processed.

Your Responsibilities
  • Familiarize yourself with this Privacy Policy.
  • If you're our client, review any agreements between us as they may include additional information on how we collect and process your data.
  • If you provide us with personal information about others or others provide us with your information, we will only use it for the specific reason it was given. By submitting this information, you confirm that you have the right to authorize us to process it on your behalf in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

When and how we collect your data

If you are just visiting our website, please note that we automatically collect data about your site usage.

From the moment you submit a request to Juscutum, we start gathering additional data necessary for providing you with legal services and/or legal assistance.

Here is when and how we do this:


Ви звертаєтесь до Juscutum

Ви телефонуєте нам

Ви відвідуєте веб-сайт Juscutum

Ви надсилаєте електронні листи нам


You are addressing Juscutum

You call us

You are visiting the Juscutum website

You send emails to us

Types of data we collect

Your name, email address, position in your company, etc. - if you submit a request to Juscutum.

Contact information

Your bank account number, payables, receivables - if you provide this information during the conclusion of a contract or during the provision of legal services.

Financial information

We collect data and documents that you provide to us to provide legal services and legal assistance. We also store the results of the services provided and the documents we prepare for you.

Data necessary for the provision of legal services

After you have contacted Juscutum - we collect data from open registers in order to provide you with legal services. We can also monitor information about changes in registers to prevent risks and quickly respond to them. For example, to protect against raiding.

Information from registers

Your IP address, login information, browser type and version, time zone settings, browser plug-in types, geolocation information, operating system and version, etc. are collected automatically.

Data that identifies you

Your click-through URLs (the path you take through our site), pages viewed, page response times, loading errors, how long you stay on our pages, what you do on those pages, how often, and other activities.

Data about how you use the Juscutum website
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We do not collect any "personal data" about you (eg racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious/philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data, data about your sex life or orientation and crimes or alleged crimes).

What about truly personal data?

We collect data about children only with your consent when it is necessary to provide you with legal services. For example, when solving issues in family relationships. In all other cases, we do not target the activities of the Juscutum website to children and do not knowingly collect any of their personal data.

What about data about children?

How and why we use your data

Data protection legislation means that we can only use your data for certain reasons and where we have a legal basis to do so. Here are the reasons we process your data:

Working with Juscutum

User identification for the purpose of obtaining further services from Juscutum.

Improvements to Juscutum

Product analytics, improving our website.

Customer support

We communicate with you during the provision of legal services and/or legal assistance, solving any issues using messengers, by phone or e-mail.

Marketing purposes (with your consent)

Sending you e-mails and notifications about new services, changes to legislation that may be relevant to you.

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Your privacy choices and rights


If you choose to do so, you must stop using the website and browsing its pages, then we will not automatically collect data about how you use the Juscutum website. You may not provide any personal data or fill out web forms on the site if you do not wish to use our services.

You may not provide us with personal data

You can block cookies by activating the settings in your browser that allow you to refuse cookies. You can also delete cookies through your browser settings. If you disable cookies, you will be able to continue using the Juscutum website, but certain services will not function adequately.

You can disable cookies in your browser by changing its settings

We will inform you on the website and at the time of the conclusion of the contract if we intend to use your data for marketing and whether third parties are involved. You can opt out of marketing by emailing us at

You can ask us not to use your data for marketing purposes

You can exercise your rights by emailing us at

This includes the right to ask us for additional information about:

  • Categories of data we process;
  • Purposes of data processing;
  • General data about third parties to whom data may be disclosed for the provision of legal services;
  • How long the data will be kept (or the criteria used to determine this period);
  • Your other rights regarding our use of your data.

We will provide you with information within one month of your request, provided it does not harm the rights and freedoms of others (for example, another person's privacy or intellectual property rights) and if it does not violate attorney confidentiality. We will notify you if we are unable to accommodate your request for this reason.

You have the right to access the information we hold about you

You can object to us using your data for profiling or for automated decision-making. We may use your data to determine whether to send you information that may be important to you (for example, emails about legislative news or legal services that may be of interest to you). Otherwise, the only circumstances in which we will do so are to provide the Juscutum Services to you.

You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate information about you

We will provide you with a copy of your data in a readable format (paper or electronic, depending on the amount of data). We will not do this to the extent that it involves disclosing data about any other person.

You have the right to transfer your data to another service

You can do this by asking us to delete any personal data we hold about you if we no longer need to hold the data for the purposes of obtaining Juscutum services. The exception is compliance with tax legislation, the Law of Ukraine "On Advocacy and Advocacy", archival storage, etc., if this legislation requires us to store data for a longer period.

You have the right to be "forgotten" by us

Please let us know first so that we can resolve your concerns. If we are unable to do so, you may submit any complaint to the relevant government authorities in your jurisdiction.

You have the right to file a complaint about our use of your data

How secure is the data we collect?

We have physical, electronic and managerial procedures in place to protect and secure the information we collect.

And please remember:

  • You provide personal data at your own risk: unfortunately, no data transmission is 100% guaranteed;
  • You are responsible for your username and password to access your personal client account (if applicable): keep them secret and secure!
  • If you believe that your privacy has been violated, please contact us immediately at

Where do we store data?

The personal data we collect is primarily stored on our servers overseas. The data is processed on the territory of Ukraine.

By submitting your personal data, you consent to this transfer, storage or processing by us.

How long do we keep your data?

We will archive and stop actively using any personal information about you within 18 months of your last contact with Juscutum. We will delete your personal data from our archives after 6 years from the moment of your last application to Juscutum or upon agreement with you in a separate contract, if a longer period of storage of part of your data is not provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.

Third parties that process your data

In order to provide legal services and legal assistance, we use third-party software that we believe are the best in the industry at what they do.

When we do this, we need to share your data with them in order for these services to work properly. Your data is only shared when strictly necessary and in accordance with the safeguards and good practices described in this Privacy Policy. Any data transmission is encrypted and transmitted in a secure form.

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Here are details of our main third party service providers, what data they collect or we share with them, where they store the data and why we need it.Below are only the service providers that collect data when you visit the website.

The list of software that we use when filling out forms on the website for the purpose of receiving services and providing services to you is communicated at your request and may be specified in a non-disclosure agreement in order to protect attorney confidentiality.

Third parties
Google Analytics
Privacy Policy

Аналізу інтернет-сайту, статистика аудиторії сайту, відстеження активності користувачів та тривалість сеансу




Конструктор сайтів



Microsoft Booking
Privacy Policy

Бронювання та планування зустрічей



Webflow, Inc.
Privacy Policy

Створення даної політики




Вимірювання результатів реклами, оптимізація реклами і створення аудиторії для рекламних кампаній




Google Analytics

Privacy Policy

Website analysis, website audience statistics, user activity tracking and session duration


Microsoft Booking

Privacy Policy

Booking and scheduling meetings


Webflow, Inc.

Privacy Policy

Creation of this policy


Measurement of advertising results, optimization of advertising and creation of an audience for advertising campaigns



We may use cookies for visitors.

When you interact with the Juscutum website as a user, we (and the above third parties) will issue cookies. These can be "session" cookies, meaning they delete themselves when you leave the Juscutum website, or "persistent" cookies, which do not delete themselves and help us recognize you when you return so that we can provide a special service.

How can I block cookies?

You can block cookies by activating an option in your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of cookies. You can also delete cookies through your browser settings. If you use your browser settings to disable, reject or block cookies (including cookies that are necessary for the website to function), certain parts of our website will not function fully. In some cases, our website may not be available at all. Please note that when third parties use cookies, we do not control how those third parties use those cookies

We make this policy great

This Privacy Policy is built on an open source design by Juro and Stefania Passera - get your own free privacy policy template.

We will post any changes to the privacy policy on this page. Of course, we will inform you about significant changes.